The primary objective of this infographic was to enhance public awareness regarding the unsustainability associated with common chewing gum. The infographic serves as a medium to impart valuable insights into the environmental impact of traditional gum production and disposal methods. By briefly explaining the aspects of the issue, the intention is to empower the public with knowledge, fostering a deeper understanding of the ecological consequences that arise from the consumption and disposal of chewing gum. 
Blender, Adobe photoshop
Okafor, Jennifer. “Is Gum Biodegradable? The Environmental Impact of Chewing Gum.” 
        TRVST, TRVST, 4 Feb. 2023, 

Saberi, Farzad, et al. “Production of bio-chewing gum based on saqqez as the biopolymer: Its
         biodegradability and textural properties.” Journal of Polymers and the Environment, 
vol. 26, no. 9, 2018, pp. 3889–3901,
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