Earth on a turtle's Back is a minute and forty second, digital 3D animation based off of the Native American origin story of the same name. It tells the story of a woman who fell from an island in the sky, and is helped by a group of animals to create earth on a giant turtle's back.
The idea of a “Sky Woman” falling down from earth inspired me to use angelic themes in my piece. Because of this, I depicted the main characters as angels. Additionally, the vocal sample used in the beginning of the song is from the game Grand Theft Auto 2, where in the game, a radio DJ known as Venus Ordelia, is constantly urging her listeners to convert.
The idea of a “Sky Woman” falling down from earth inspired me to use angelic themes in my piece. Because of this, I depicted the main characters as angels. Additionally, the vocal sample used in the beginning of the song is from the game Grand Theft Auto 2, where in the game, a radio DJ known as Venus Ordelia, is constantly urging her listeners to convert.
Blender, Adobe Premiere Pro, Ableton Live, 2023